Bruce & Lauri's homepage

Bruce and Lauri
May 13, 2006 - 1 month after our 5th Anniversary, during our delayed honeymoon,
on the rim of Halema'uma'u crater in the Kilauea caldera on Hawai'i's Big Island
This overlook site was destroyed by new volcanic action in the crater, beginning March 2008.
This crater is huge; for scale, realize that the inner wall (in background) of the crater is over 100 meters high.
wedding pic beach pic
April 14, 2001 - Our Wedding Day
(only 21½ years after our first date)
Welcome to the personal website of
Bruce & Lauri Grant

"There is no business to be done on a dead planet."
        ~ David Brower (1912-2000)
prominent environmentalist and the founder of many environmental organizations,
including the Sierra Club, the John Muir Institute for Environmental
, Friends of the Earth (1969), the League of Conservation Voters,
Earth Island Institute (1982), and others


"The only proof one might need for the existence of God is music."
        ~ Pete Douglas (1929-2014)
jazz aficionado, friend of hundreds of professional musicians,
owner-manager & founder of the Bach Dancing & Dynamite Society,
a jazz & classical music venue in Half Moon Bay, Calif.


"I prefer someone who burns the flag and wraps themselves up in the Constitution over
someone who burns the Constitution and wraps themselves up in the flag."
        ~ Molly Ivins (1944-2007)
journalist, newspaper columnist, author, political commentator, and humorist

* ============== *

About Us

Personal Stuff     (Those links marked "Under Construction" don't yet work, due to personal time constraints)
Lauri & Bruce wedding pic
Our wedding, April 14, 2001 (after only 21½ years, off and on!)   *

Our family   *
Bryan Crocoll  Bryan Crocoll
Bryan Crocoll, Lauri's late brother, passed away in November of 2008 at the age of 52.  This section is a memorial to him.
Fran Grant  Fran Grant
Fran Grant, Bruce's late mother, passed away in April of 2009 at the age of 93.  This section describes her last years and was a reference for her many friends while she was recovering from several strokes.  Even though bedridden for over 7 years, she never wanted to give up. "The Fran Report"
familyMore to come about our family ...
* ================ *


Sept. 11th terror   Our thoughts about the crimes and heroism on September 11, 2001 and in the days soon afterward, written in the first week after the attack, predicting the unfortunate and un-American, vicious, bigoted reaction from the so-called "Christian" religious extremists against all Muslims (instead of just against the formerly small number of fanatics), leading to the religious war within which we are now trapped.  (Anyone who feels safer today than before the USA attacked Afghanistan is not paying attention to how the rest of the world, especially Muslims, sees us today.  War orphans make great future terrorists.)
[NOTE: This web page has a lot of graphics, so it will be slow loading for some users.  Please be patient.  Thanks.]

* === *

American Corporations Continue to Lay Off Americans,
then Hire Cheap Foreign Labor

Lobbyist-Written Bills, Loaded with Loopholes, Renewed by Congress

* if pigs could fly... *
The H-1B Visa Program is a result of huge campaign contributions to Congressional politicians from American Big Business that allows them to hire cheap, foreign, high-tech workers, displacing higher-paid, supposedly unavailable, American workers.  Not only does this make it harder for Bruce to get contracts, but his consulting rates have risen only 13% since 1987, due to the price depression caused by H-1B pay rates.  How much has your income increased since then?  How much have prices for everything increased since then?
* read *   Frequently Asked Questions about the H-1B Visa Program
Behind the H-1B Visa Program is an extensive lobbying effort, falsely claiming that there is some huge shortage of American technical talent.  This transcript of Congressional Committee testimony by a Professor of Computer Science describes the forces behind the H-1B Visa Program.
* read *   Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Labor Shortage,
by Professor Norman Matloff, Univ. of California, Davis
* === *
War is terrorism with a bigger budget. "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.  Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
            ~ Benjamin Franklin

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
            - Martin Luther King, Jr.
* === *

Fun stuff!

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Here are some very worthwhile links:

* Help save the rainforest by visiting this site.
* Visit here to help in the fight against breast cancer.
NRDC logoBioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places    (a project of the Natural Resources Defense Council)


E-mail usenvelope image Please click on the appropriate button.

 Bruce- personal   E-mail       E-mail   Lauri- personal

Bruce- business   E-mail Cost-Effective Solutions       E-mail CES InfoTech   Lauri- business

CES logo COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS InfoTech -- "Solving business problems with technology"
 Bruce is President and Chief Technologist of this small technical consulting company.
 Lauri is Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
CES logo COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS -- "Solving home & business problems properly"
 Bruce is the Owner-Manager of this electrical contracting company, begun in 2002 as the Recession was beginning to be felt in technological professions.
*** Under Construction

Please come back soon.  This page was created merely as a starting point.  If you have the time, please check out all of the links above.  A lot of effort went into making this website both useful and meaningful.  Our e-mail links are near the end of the page, a bit before these comments.  Thanx!

* We support full browser compatibility for all of our web pages.  Please e-mail us if you discover anything wrong with this page (invalid links, image failures, non-compliant code, etc.).  Thanks.


Goodbye.  Thanks for visiting.

This page was last updated Sat, Feb 25 2017 03:45 PST